- Long-lived Process and State Recovery After Crashes
- Make your library test-friendly
- Finitomata FTW
- Finitomata ❤ Mox
- Wash your dishes
- Finitomata Marries Ecto
- FSM Driven Development
- Md. Another Word About Markdown
- Md — еще раз о маркдауне
- URL Shortener
- Shining Access
- Parser for Markdown Family
- Finitomata :: First Class Documentation
- Finitomata :: The Proper FSM for Elixir
- Plugins in Elixir Applications
- Help To Test Your Library
- Yet Another Markup Parser
- Why Am I Not To IDE
- Do Not Doughnut Donates
- Finite Automata with Tarearbol
- Handling Async Responses with Tarearbol
- Dynamic Nested Function Call
- Conditional context for macros
- Conditional guard for structs of an explicit type
- Will No One Rid Me Of This Turbulent GUI
- Reserved Backward Compatibility
- O tempora, o mores!
- Wolf, Goat, Cabbage… and Elixir
- Generated Types II — Down the Rabbit Hole
- Generated Types
- Vela → Time Series Cache
- Telemetría
- Reverse Engineering for Poor
- Cloister
- WordCount in Elixir
- Not God but Man Makes Pot and Pan
- Strong Types Should Have Been Named Strong Hypes
- Dialyzer specs: 2 in 1
- Formulæ and Lazy Combinators
- Beware of Tests et Fudicia Ferentes
- Scaffolds Backed Up By Behaviours
- Use Github CI for Elixir Projects
- Stop Abusing Nihil
- Pattern Matching Empty MapSets
- Elixir Structs on Steroids
- Gospel of Barabbas or Concurrent Execution
- Iteraptor → Unforeseen utilization
- Idempotent Supervision Tree
- Plug in JSON API Readonly Webserver
- Elixir Compilation Hooks
- Go Outta Here
- Sigils To The Rescue
- Iteraptable → Swiss Knife For Structs
- Smart Validation In Elixir With Exvalibur
- Generated Module As A Guard
- ActiveRecord Smell With Elixir/Ecto
- Better pry for Ruby REPL
- Developer Is The Next Ideological Beggar Job
- Raise For The Rescue
- SeeAsVee Library For Handy CSV Processing
- Ruby metaprogramming for beginners → Elixir-like specs
- Protocols in Ruby → Allow Implicit Inheritance
- Adopting Property Testing in Elixir
- Hype Demythified or Pizza With Pineapple Topping
- Parent Of My Child Is Not Exactly Me
- Tarearbol now allows subscriptions to task results
- Envío as a reincarnation of GenEvent²
- Ruby Challenges as QotD
- These Weird Accents
- To IF Or Not To IF—That’s The Conditional Statement
- Elixir Iteraptor :: Iterating Nested Terms Like I’m Five
- Iteraptor :: Iterating Nested Terms Like I’m Five
- Elixir Pipeline Operators
- Pattern matching on dynamic struct types
- Real applications of flip-flop in ruby
- Why immutability rules
- Pattern matching on binaries takes over Regex
- Automate pattern matching for structs
- Pattern matcher for Protocols
- .iex.exs to the rescue
- Idiomatic function memoization in Elixir
- Unveil Erlang Code of Your Elixir Project
- Workflow as FSM: lost transitions
- StringNaming to call UTF8 by name
- Define module in Elixir with initial binding
- Use `credo` Linter in Git `pre-commit` Hook
- `is_empty` Guard for Binaries in Elixir
- Hack vs Kludge
- Either Monad in Elixir
- Iterating Tuples in Elixir
- Open Graph Protocol …and Her Friends
- Dry Behaviour aka Protocol Pattern in Ruby
- Struct With Hash-like Default Proc
- Progress Bar in Console for Rake Tasks
- Use Hooks in Riak to Create Views
- Monkeypatch It!
- StackOverflow Achievements
- New Hash Syntax for the Rescue
- Testing migrations
- Recursion Without Explicit Method
- Two ways to write ruby code
- Quotation Marks in XXI Century
- Pry :: breakpoint or ARGF?
- CASE-WHEN :: another trick for N+1 problem
- YAML Parser Tuning
- Log With Pleasure
- Don’t be a language slave
- Using local sources in Gemfile
- Ruby Memory Pitfalls
- Command line application wrappers problem
- Debug inplace
- Sequentional execution: example of Reactor pattern impl
- Collage directory preview with RMagick
- Developer Omniboxes for Chrome
- Ruby 2.0 Refinements: Totally Useless Crap
- Ruby Shorthand to Yield Within Blocks
- Match or Not Die
- Delightful Logging
- Make Hash Element Access Painless
- Ruby Logger :: Temporary Enable Debug for One Class
- Shorthands in Ruby Code Blocks
- Multiple Match in Ruby
- EventMachine :: Nested Calls
- Suggested New SPR Wording, or “We’re VMS and You’re Not.”
- RFC HTTP API Feedback Proposal
- Fixing Broken Lightbulbs in a Nutshell
- StackOverflow questions ⇒ Diverse Worlds
- ABC for Fluent Speakers (NM Level)
- Traceroute to Episode IV
- Oll Korrect Cartoon
- Internet Explorer vs Murder Rate
- Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
- Banned for not being flattering
- Clarity Over Verbosity Everywhere
- Timeo Juniors et ideas ferentes
- Howto Read Stack Overflow Comments
- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image