Elixir community is great. The average quality of the libraries is superb. We all know that and we all love that. Right?

Well, yes. But no.


Shall I write tests?

While the code is usually indeed enormously awesome, and we all take it as granted, the developers’ effort in helping to test the functionality provided by the library is usually miserable. Yes, I said that. Sorry, but it’s true. I hope that everyone here understands I am not insulting nor depreciating the value of the brilliant work done by colleagues. I am only calling for the better support we all kinda miss.

Just a couple of examples, in a random order.

exq — the job processing library

The library is really good, in the first place. It’s easy to tackle and it does its job (pun intended) perfectly. But (there is always a but in whatever I am saying) let’s see how would I test my code using this library.

Sure thing, the library provides mocks to avoid polluting redis in :test. Which is already great, thanks for that. And… that’s it.

What testing support would I expect from such a library? OK. It’s a job processing, which is a deferred asynchronous execution of some code, right? What would I test for this kind of functionality? I personally would love to test that once I have the job spawned, sooner or later I’d get the result of the execution on hand. In a pseudo-elixir-code, it’d be somewhat alongside

test_job MyWorker, "my_queue", ["arg1", "arg2"] do
  with job <- enqueue(self()) do
    assert_in_delta execution_time(job), 0.1, 0.1
    assert result(job) == {:ok, "some"}
    assert_sent MyJobListener, :some_message_job_sends_to_listener

That kind of stuff. I do not have an access to exq internals (and I obviously should not,) hence I expect the library (which apparently does have an access to its internals) to provide me test helpers like this assert_sent/2 above. Measurements, too. The result, which would be discarded in the real execution, but hey, everything is an expression, expose it to me for my checks!

I am not saying I am unable to handle all that myself, I surely can. But it would require an enormous boilerplate. Let alone execution time which I doubt I have any access to. Once again, the library itself performs fantastic, but testing my code against it is …ahem… cumbersome.

ecto — the database wrapper and query generator

I am staying here awaiting for all these rotten eggs thrown to me. ecto is excellent, I hear voices. It surely is. But testing it is a nightmare.

What do I want to actually test? I could not trust more ecto authors. I am not to test that Repo.insert/2 works as expected. Rather I am to test my silly code. Which means, I’d like to have helpers like

test_query MyMod, :get_posts do
  assert_tables [:user, :post]
  assert_records_number <= 100

test_changeset MyMod, :changeset do
  refute_when empty(:posts)
  refute_when date_before(~D[2024-01-01])

Yes, I understand these examples are contrived, but I barely do anything with CRUD/DB and I am pretty sure these examples can be extended and improved by any experienced web developer (who I am not,) but not discarded.

jason — a blazing fast JSON parser and generator

Anyone who used json with huge structures, would tell how it’s annoying to validate that the result has been built properly. Say, you have a complicated result assembly, from different sources. Deeply nested. Yet Jason (being more than awesome in its core, architecture, all that @derive and stuff) does not provide a single helper to validate minor result changes at all. How about

test_json MyMod, :get_json do
  assert_diff Post.get(1), Post.get(2), %{address: %{location: %{street: ["Nevsky", "Rambla"]}}}
  assert_presence Post.get(3), %{address: %{location: %{street: "Rambla"}}}
  refute_presence Post.get(3), %{address: %{location: %{street_2: _}}}

I even was forced to introduce Estructura.diff/3 for such kind of tests, but hey, how about it came with the library itself?

OK, enough is enough, I hate blaming anyone for not doing OSS as I wish they did, and this is all not about blaming.

Hereby I call the developers to improve this aspect of their libraries’ codebases.


My lovely library Finitomata comes with a testing framework, and the only purpose of this rant is to share how it’s not hard and how we could have simplified the life of developers using our library at next to zero cost.

Below is the excerpt from its documentation.

There are several steps needed to enable extended testing with Finitomata.ExUnit.

In the first place, mox dependency should be included in your mix.exs project file

    {:mox, "~> 1.0", only: [:test]}

Then, the Finitomata declaration should include a listener. If you already have the listener, it should be changed to Mox in :test environment, and the respecive Mox should be defined somewhere in test/support or like

  @listener (if Mix.env() == :test, do: MyFSM.Mox, else: MyFSM.Listener)
  use Finitomata, fsm: @fsm, listener: @listener

If you don’t have an actual listener, the special :mox value for listener would do everything, including an actual Mox declaration in test environment.

  use Finitomata, fsm: @fsm, listener: :mox

The last thing you need, import Mox into your test file which also does import Finitomata.ExUnit. That’s it, now your code is ready to use Finitomata.ExUnit fancy testing.

Consider the following simple FSM

defmodule Turnstile do
  @fsm ~S[
    ready --> |on!| closed
    opened --> |walk_in| closed
    closed --> |coin_in| opened
    closed --> |switch_off| switched_off
  use Finitomata, fsm: @fsm, auto_terminate: true

  @impl Finitomata
  def on_transition(:opened, :walk_in, _payload, state) do
    {:ok, :closed, update_in(state, [:data, :passengers], & &1 + 1)}
  def on_transition(:closed, :coin_in, _payload, state) do
    {:ok, :opened, state}
  def on_transition(:closed, :off, _payload, state) do
    {:ok, :switched_off, state}

Of course, in the real life, one would not only collect the total number of passengers passed in the state, but also validate the coin value to let in or fail a transition, but for the demonstration purposes this one is already good enough.

We now want to test it works as expected. Without Finitomata.ExUnit, one would write the test like below

# somewhere else → Mox.defmock(Turnstile.Mox, for: Finitomata.Listener)
test "standard approach" do

  fini_name = "Turnstile_1"
  fsm_name = {:via, Registry, {Finitomata.Registry, fini_name}}

  Finitomata.start_fsm(Turnstile, fini_name, %{data: %{passengers: 0}})

  Finitomata.transition(fini_name, :coin_in)
  assert %{data: %{passengers: 0}}} = Finitomata.state(Turnstile, "Turnstile_1", :payload)

  Finitomata.transition(fini_name, :walk_in)
  assert %{data: %{passengers: 1}}} = Finitomata.state(Turnstile, "Turnstile_1", :payload)

  Finitomata.transition(fini_name, :switch_off)

  refute Finitomata.alive?(Turnstile, "Turnstile_1")

At the first glance, there is nothing wrong with this approach, but it requires an enormous boilerplate, it cannot check it’s gone without using Process.sleep/1, but most importantly, it does not allow testing intermediate states.

If the FSM has instant transitions (named with a trailing bang, like foo!) which are invoked automatically by Finitomata itself, there is no way to test intermediate states with the approach above.

OK, let’s use Mox then (assuming Turnstile.Mox has been declared and added as a listener in test environment to use Finitomata)

# somewhere else → Mox.defmock(Turnstile.Mox, for: Finitomata.Listener)
test "standard approach" do

  fini_name = "Turnstile_1"
  fsm_name = {:via, Registry, {Finitomata.Registry, fini_name}}
  parent = self()

  |> allow(parent, fn -> GenServer.whereis(fsm_name) end)
  |> expect(:after_transition, 4, fn id, state, payload ->
    parent |> send({:on_transition, id, state, payload}) |> then(fn _ -> :ok end)

  Finitomata.start_fsm(Turnstile, fini_name, %{data: %{passengers: 0}})

  Finitomata.transition(fini_name, :coin_in)
  assert_receive {:on_transition, ^fsm_name, :opened, %{data: %{passengers: 0}}}
  # assert %{data: %{passengers: 0}}} = Finitomata.state(Turnstile, "Turnstile_1", :payload)

  Finitomata.transition(fini_name, :walk_in)
  assert_receive {:on_transition, ^fsm_name, :closed, %{data: %{passengers: 1}}}
  # assert %{data: %{passengers: 1}}} = Finitomata.state(Turnstile, "Turnstile_1", :payload)

  Finitomata.transition(fini_name, :switch_off)
  assert_receive {:on_transition, ^fsm_name, :switched_off, %{data: %{passengers: 1}}}

  refute Finitomata.alive?(Turnstile, "Turnstile_1")

That looks better, but there is still too much of boilerplate. Let’s see how it’d look like with Finitomata.ExUnit.

describe "Turnstile" do
  setup_finitomata do
    parent = self()
    initial_passengers = 42

      fsm: [implementation: Turnstile, payload: %{data: %{passengers: initial_passengers}})],
      context: [passengers: initial_passengers]

  test_path "respectful passenger", %{passengers: initial_passengers} do
    :coin_in ->
      assert_state :opened do
        assert_payload do
          data.passengers ~> ^initial_passengers

    :walk_in ->
      assert_state :closed do
        assert_payload do
          data.passengers ~> one_more when one_more == 1 + initial_passengers

    :switch_off ->
      assert_state :switched_off
      assert_state :*

With this approach, one could test the payload in the intermediate states, and validate messages received from the FSM with assert_receive/3.

No other code besides assert_state/2, assert_payload/1, and assert_receive/3 is permitted to fully isolate the FSM execution from side effects.

Happy helpertesting!