
Tarearbol is a lightweight task manager, allowing retries, callbacks, assurance that the task succeeded, and more. It starts and manages the task supervision tree for granted. With Tarearbol one might ensure the task, that might occasionally fail due to reasons beyond caller’s control, will be retried until succeeded. It’s highly configurable and allows callbacks on:

  • task successful completion,
  • task retries,
  • task fail (when the max limit of retries is reached.)

It also provides a functionality to manage many tasks at once with Tarearbol.ensure_all/2 and Tarearbol.ensure_all_streamed/2, run tasks with a delay using Tarearbol.run_at/3 and Tarearbol.run_in/3, and drain the scheduled tasks queue with Tarearbol.drain/1.

Starting with version 0.8.1 it married Envío to make it drastically easy to subscribe to task processing callbacks.

Tarearbol common syntax

The most widely used function of Tarearbol would be probably [ensure/2], accepting a job either in a form of anonymous function or as a MFA-tuple, and a set of options. Options are:

  • attempts [default: :infinity] number of attemtps before fail, the integer value
  • delay [default: 1 msec] number of milliseconds between attempts, 1_000 or 1.0 for one second, :timeout for five seconds, etc
  • timeout [default: 5_000] the timeout for the underlying task
  • raise [default: false] whether ensure/2 should raise on fail
  • accept_not_ok [default: true] when false, only the :ok atom or {:ok, _} tuple considered to be valid returned values from the task
  • on_success [default: nil] the function to be called on successful execution (arity[0, 1] or tuple {Mod, fun} where fun is of arity zero or one,) for the 1-arity, the result of task execution is passed
  • on_retry [default: nil] same as above, called on retries after unsuccessful attempts or one of [:debug, :info, :warn, :error] atoms to log a retry with default logger
  • on_fail [default: nil] same as above, called when the task finally failed after attempts amount of unsuccessful attempts

The usual invocation might look like:

case Tarearbol.ensure(fn -> raise "¡?" end, attempts: 1, raise: false) do
  {:error, %{job: _job, outcome: outcome}} ->
    Logger.warn("Error. Returned outcome: #{inspect outcome}")
  {:ok, result} ->

The above always returns an error (because the wrapped function does always raise) and logs the exception.

Pub_Sub instead of logging

Logging is not always handy when it comes to the real life. One might want to handle the task results from some other process, sending emails on fails, or retrying in a smarter way, or whatever. For that purpose all three callbacks are now publishing a message to subscribers using Registry through it’s handy wrapper Envío (effective @since 0.8.1.)

Channels are:

  • {Tarearbol.Publisher, :error} to subscribe to task failures only,
  • {Tarearbol.Publisher, :warn} to subscribe to task retries only,
  • {Tarearbol.Publisher, :info} to subscribe to task successful executions only,
  • {Tarearbol.Publisher, :all} to subscribe to everything above.

Now the application using Tarearbol might simply add a subscriber into their supervision tree:

defmodule MyApp.Subscriber do
  use Envio.Subscriber, channels: [{Tarearbol.Publisher, :error}]
  def handle_envio(message, state) do
    IO.inspect(message, label: "Task failed")
    {:noreply, state}

From now on all task failures will be handled by the module above.

Happy subscribing!