Dynamic Nested Function Call
During my lazy work on Tyyppi
, I encountered the necessity to dynamically build the deeply nested function. I use StreamData
for property-based generators, and to produce a generator for the Tyyppi.Struct
, I recursively call generators on all the fields and then I am to StreamData.bind/2
all of them to each other.
The number of fields is unknown in advance, as well as field types. So I am after dynamic generation of somewhat like
alias StreamData, as: SD
SD.bind(SD.list_of(SD.integer(), min_length: 1), fn list ->
SD.bind(SD.member_of(list), fn elem ->
SD.constant({list, elem})
the above is nested the number of times equal to the number of fields, each generator is taken from the field, and I could have been all set unless the inner SD.constant/1
To simplify things, let’s consider we are to dynamically build this
@spec foo(atom(), (any() -> any())) :: any()
foo(:bar, fn arg1 ->
foo(:baz, fn arg2 ->
foo(:bzz, fn argN ->
{arg1, arg2, ..., argN}
As we can see, the inner return captures values from all the outer closures. This looks pretty straightforward when written down, but unfortunately it cannot be produced with any kind of reduce/3
, because the tuple size returned from the inner clause (which is equal to a level of nesting by the way) is unknown upfront, and all the closure captures are done downwards.
This is where metaprogramming is mandatory to accomplish a task.
Let’s start with examining the AST produced by the example above.
quote do
foo(:bar, fn arg1 ->
foo(:bar, fn arg2 ->
{arg1, arg2}
results in
{:foo, [], [
{:fn, [], [
{:->, [], [
[{:arg1, [], Elixir}],
{:foo, [], [
{:fn, [], [
{:->, [], [
[{:arg2, [], Elixir}],
{{:arg1, [], Elixir}, {:arg2, [], Elixir}}
Beware! we are going to deal with the raw AST to save keystrokes. The inner clause is simple, let’s produce a function that returns it.
defp leaf(args),
do: {:{}, [], args}
Tuples of size less than 3 might be also quoted with :{}
, so we opt-in for the generic solution here.
Let’s now gaze at the closure.
{:foo, [], [
{:fn, [], [
{:->, [], [[__ARG__, __ACC__]}]}]}
macro variable __ARG__
there denotes the argument of current anonymous function and __ACC__
stays for the accumulator that came from the previous recursive iteration. So, we might now create our branch
defp branch({field, arg}, acc),
do: {:foo, [], [field, {:fn, [], [{:->, [], [[arg], acc]}]}]}
above is passed as a hint of how to customize each step when needed. OK, we are almost done. Let’s build up the whole clause for N
defp nested(fields) do
args =
|> length()
|> Macro.generate_arguments(__MODULE__)
|> Enum.reverse()
fields_args = Enum.zip(fields, args)
Enum.reduce(fields_args, leaf(args), &branch/2)
The only tricky part there is the generation of arguments; we simply build a list of the same length as fields. Now we can finally create a macro that would use all the above to return the AST of the desired nested call.
defmacrop generate(fields),
do: nested(Macro.expand(fields, __CALLER__))
Let’s see what does it produce!
def foo(atom, rest) when is_function(rest),
do: foo(atom, rest.(atom))
def foo(_, rest),
do: rest
def test do
generate([:bar, :baz])
and now test()
results in {:bar, :baz}
Happy recursing!