Ruby Blocks: Do-end vs. Braces
Ruby tries to add a spoon of sugar to each damn line of your code any time she thinks it to be possible. That’s nice.
Sometimes she became meddlesome. That used to drive me bonkers. A newbie is to be that rara avis, to understand that
there is actually a huge difference between braces and do-end
constructs to define a block.
Well, everybody may spend a life successfully writing tons lines of ruby code and never get stuck in weird exceptions,
coming from 3rd party libs, which in case were induced by negligent mess between {}
and do-end
in domestic code.
Let’s digress from our dramatic story and take a look at the following snippet. Somebody was set bringing benchmarks
to an application running at a snail’s pace. Well, the task looks straightforward. Install benchmark
gem, read the
documentation, try an example:
require 'benchmark'
puts Benchmark.measure { "a"*1_000_000 }
Works fine! Let’s try smth more complicated:
require 'benchmark'
puts Benchmark.measure do
while true
print 'a'
break if Random.rand(100) === 1
irb:010 >
# LocalJumpError: no block given (yield)
# from IRRELEVANT_PATH_TO_RVM/lib/ruby/2.0.0/benchmark.rb:281:in `measure'
# from (irb):9`
WTF? That’s the syntax sugar, ruby mixed into your tea. That’s a time to take a look at an operator precedence table.
binds tighter than do-end
. Furthermore, do-end
clause has lowest precedence at all. In other words, the latter
codepiece is similar to:
require 'benchmark'
(puts Benchmark.measure) do
# irrelevant code
Surely, the aforementioned hitch never befuddled a guru, but there is a style guideline which may get rid of the
possibility even to stuck with this. Use braces {}
when a block returnes a value. Use do-end
clause otherwise.