Iterating Tuples in Elixir
According to erlang docs,
A tuple is a compound data type with a fixed number of terms:
Each term
in the tuple is called an element. The number of elements is said to be the size of the tuple.
s are known to be faster than List
s (and even Map
for elements’ direct access. Also, some libraries/packages often format
a response as tuples.
So, Tuple
s are good. Save for one single glitch: they are not iterable.
That said, Tuple
s do not implement Enumerable
protocol. The goal of this
small post is to show how this protocol might be implemented for tuples
in non-naïve way (the naïve way would be to just convert tuples to lists.)
defmodule Tuple.Enumerable do
defimpl Enumerable, for: Tuple do
@max_items 42
def count(tuple), do: tuple_size(tuple)
# member? implementation is done through casting tuple to the list
# it’s not required for iteration, and building all those matched
# clauses seems to be an overkill here
def member?([], _), do: {:ok, false}
def member?(tuple, value) when is_tuple(tuple) do
tuple |> Tuple.to_list |> member?(value)
def member?(tuple, value) when is_list(tuple) do
for [h | t] <- tuple do
if h == value, do: {:ok, true}, else: member?(t, value)
def reduce(tuple, acc, fun) do
do_reduce(tuple, acc, fun)
defp do_reduce(_, {:halt, acc}, _fun), do: {:halted, acc}
defp do_reduce(tuple, {:suspend, acc}, fun) do
{:suspended, acc, &do_reduce(tuple, &1, fun)}
defp do_reduce({}, {:cont, acc}, _fun), do: {:done, acc}
defp do_reduce({value}, {:cont, acc}, fun), do: do_reduce({}, fun.(value, acc), fun)
Enum.each(1..@max_items-1, fn tot ->
tail = Enum.join(, & "e_#{&1}"), ",")
match = Enum.join(["value"] ++ [tail], ",")
"defp do_reduce({#{match}}, {:cont, acc}, fun), do: do_reduce({#{tail}}, fun.(value, acc), fun)", [], __ENV__
# list fallback for huge tuples
defp do_reduce([h | t], {:cont, acc}, fun) do
do_reduce((if Enum.count(t) <= @max_items, do: List.to_tuple(t), else: t), fun.(h, acc), fun)
# fallback to list for huge tuples
defp do_reduce(huge, {:cont, acc}, fun) when huge > @max_items do
do_reduce(Tuple.to_list(huge), {:cont, acc}, fun)
The code above builds @max_items
function match clauses for Tuple
having not more than 42
members. That guarantees no conversion to list
happens for those.
Huge Tuple
s, having more than 42
members, will be converted to lists
before operating.
The approach above might be useful in the case when one needs to use
s for quick access: changing @max_items
to super high value
would drastically increase the compilation time, while the execution time
will remain very impressive, comparing to List