inspired by IT Jobs explained with a broken lightbulb

  • Javascripter: casts many cumbersome async promises to make this refer to sales room’s lightbulb;
  • Rubyist: monkeypatches lightbulb to use a teapot spiral as a glower;
  • COBOL grandma: copies an office with many lightbulbs from the upper floor;
  • PHP junior: dies with the message “lightbulb: ошиб�”;
  • Pythonist: indents a lightbulb from the teapot with eight spaces, it lights back up;
  • Erlanger: crashes a lightbulb with a baseball bit, the lightbuld is respawned shining;
  • Elixir: crashes a lightbulb with garbage disposal machine, the lightbuld is respawned shining;
  • С/С++ guru: solders a lampholder out, patches the glower with a paperclip;
  • Rust: solders a lampholder out, patches the glower with a brand new firmware glower;
  • LISP loyal user: throws the bulb out of the window to escape a surveillance;
  • Java Enterprise Senior: buys a floodlight and settles it outside of the window;
  • Go-fella: hires 42 juniors and creates a department on the problem “fixing lightbulbs.”